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Model: BK2160
Many animals can move through the air, but only birds, bats and insects can fly. They flap their wings to stay in the air. Other animals, like the flying lizard, only glide. The flying fish swims fast, then leaps out of the water. Spliders are carried through the air on a silk thread...
Model: BK4379
Lewis Lion hates lion lessons. He prefers to laze around in the sun all day. But one night, Lewis hears a rustling in the bushes. He has to remember how to roar and pounce like a big lion! An ideal first storybook with bright, bold illustrations. Perfect for bedtime and storytime...
Lilliputiens Book Activity Au Lit!
Model: BK1431
 Created in 1995 by two friends, the brand has embarked on a quest to create the very best soft toys. Mission accomplished! Today, the Lilliputiens family really has grown, and continues to astonish with its colour pallets, range of materials and its universe populated with fantastically endearing characters who delight children. Safety, corporate social responsibility and the smallest possible ecological footprint are essential in this regard.Welcome to a world of discoveries and early learning where creativity is king!..
Model: BK2430
It is cold outside. Little Bear would love to play in the snow. He needs to put on his scarf so that he won't catch cold. But Little Bear says no. He doesn't want to wear his scarf. He'd rather put in on his snowman. Or tie it to the tree. Then Mummy Bear has an idea...A recognisable story about stubborness and how mums can magically change a "no" into a "yes"...
Model: BK1376
Des Prussiens ont envahi la France et occupent le château d’Uville. Le major est le comte de Farlsberg. Il y a le baron de Kelweingstein et trois officiers de moindre grade : un lieutenant, Otto de Grossling ; deux sous-lieutenants, Fritz Scheunaubourg et le marquis Wilhem d’Eyrik, « un tout petit blondin fier et brutal avec les hommes ». Ce dernier est, depuis son entrée en France, surnommé Mademoiselle Fifi par ses camarades en raison de sa taille fine, de sa figure pâle et de l’habitude qu’il avait prise, pour exprimer son souverain mépris des êtres et des choses, d’employer à tout moment la locution française « fi », « fi donc », qu’il prononçait avec un léger sifflement...
Model: BK4591
Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin of Protestant stock, in 1856, and died at Ayot St Lawrence, Herts, in 1950...
Model: BK1392
"Masters and Johnson Explained" is the most comprehensive and complete report available of the theories and techniques developed during nearly two decades of research by William H. Masters and Virgiia E. Johnson. All the major ideas from both HUMAN SEXUAL INADEQUACY and HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE are presented in clear, non -technical language for the general reader. Authorized by Masters and Johnson themselves, this book will be of immeasurable aid to millions who have yet to realize their full sexual potential. It will also provide remarkable self-insight and understanding of the opposite sex for everyone...
Model: BK1414
Penguin Readers 3Matilda is a clever and unusual little girl. But her parents aren’t interested in her, and the terrible head teacher at her school hates clever children. But Matilda finds a way to be strong, and the results are very funny...
Model: BK3850
Aus den vorgestanzten Teilen dieses Bastelbogens entsteht eine rundum bespielbare, dreidimensionale Ritterburg mit Haupthaus, Mauern, Türmen, Tor und vielen Spielfiguren. Turnierkämpfer, Wächter, Burgfräulein und ein Drache warten nur darauf zum Leben erweckt zu werden. Und als Extra gibt es den Ritter und die Prinzessin als Anziehpuppen mit echter Rittermode..
Model: BK1406
ContentsAuthor's note for the English translationPrologueIntroductionHistory of Meteoritic MonasticismSAINTS STEPHEN AND CHARALAMBOS CONVENTA. HistoryB. DescriptionMONASTERY OF THE HOLY TRINITYA. HistoryB. DescriptionALL SAINTS (VARLAAM) MONASTERYA. HistoryB. DescriptionMONASTERY OF THE TRANSFIGURATION GREAT METEORONA. HistoryB. DescriptionROUSANOU MONASTERYA. HistoryB. DescriptionHOLY MONASTERY OF SAINT NICHOLAS ANAPAFSASA. HistoryB. DescriptionMAINTAINED CHURCHES OF OLD MONASTERYI. THE SAINTS THEODOR MONASTERYEpilogueLists of Holy RelicsBibliographyWorks of the same author(Front page has deckled edges.)..
Model: BK3493
En pekbok med saker fran barnets egen vardag.....
Minou, Minou, où-es tu allé ? Je suis allé à Paris et voici ce que j'ai visité
Model: BK3851
Minou le chat voyageur part à la conquête de Paris et invite les enfants à le suivre au rythme d'une jolie comptine. Un livre à lire à voix haute aux tout-petits ou à proposer aux enfants en âge de lire seuls.Minou le chat voyageur part à la conquête de Paris et invite les enfants à le suivre au rythme d'une jolie comptine. Un livre à lire à voix haute aux tout-petits ou à proposer aux enfants en âge de lire seuls...
Model: BK4584
The trilogyof novels by Samuel Beckett is his best known work outside the theatre, dating from the same period as Waiting for Godot, and as such is central to the main body of his work.....
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